Big Green Egg Stainless Steel Tool Set

1.001,00 kr.

You need the right tools for the job. The real Big Green Egg expert always keeps the Stainless Steel Tool Set at hand when EGGing. With this trio you can position, turn and marinate food safely and hygienically.

Á goymslu

Veiting tann 12, March 2025
VØRUNR.: BGE127655

The Big Green Egg Tool Set is a hardworking set that never gets tired. The handle rests comfortably in your hand, and the length ensures sufficient distance between your hands and the heat of the coals. If you just want to buy one of the tools, that is possible, too.   


  • Wide Spatula
  • Spatula
  • Brush 
Set 127655
Wide Spatula 127426
Spatula 127662
Brush 127679


Big Green Egg Stainless Steel Tool Set

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